Friday, March 29, 2019

22A - Elevator Pitch No. 3

When it comes to this elevator pitch, seeing as I only had a minute instead of the usual minute and thirty seconds, I decided to cut straight to my point. I only covered three topics, what my idea was, why I wanted it to come to fruition, and my thought process of who to market my idea to. Much of my feedback was very positive and mostly involved the enjoyment of hearing that someone is finally wanting to solve a furniture problem people have. The one thing I wish I could have done in this video would be to make the comparisons to other products as I'd done in my previous pitch; the comparison to IKEA furniture was really well received.
When it comes to what I changed, again, I merely made it shorter, cutting out a bit of the in-between I'd done in my previous pitch. Personally, I've been comfortable in front of the camera since the first pitch, but I find it much easier to get my point across now. For instance, this pitch was done in only three takes, unlike my usual seven or eight. Personally, I feel as though this assignment has made me question how I'd pose my pitch to someone in person, as well as how to properly convey what I'm trying to do if asked. My product has certainly grown a lot as well; from a furniture line I wanted simply to give to the consumers directly, to a line of furniture that would be easily sold to retailers who can both, more efficiently sell or rent it, as well as give me a steady source of income through constant sales.


  1. Lucas,

    Your concision in this pitch was excellent--you really got to the point and seemed to address any main concerns that investors would raise. I like how you clearly separated your pitch into three main topics you wished to address; mine was more of a stream-of-thought as I had trouble breaking my idea down in the 60 second span. Overall great job!

  2. Hey Lucas,

    I think your pitch was very well done and you also did a fantastic with explaining your product. Your opportunity idea of easily movable furniture is something that people who move often can use a lot. I like how you went straight into your product and were quick and to the point with details. I also think it was great that you ended it by talking about why they should choose you to invest in.

  3. As your previous pitch was, this one is very concise and you present your idea very well. I enjoy how you really got to the point of your idea, and you explaining exactly how you changed your pitch was a great tool. Thanks and hope to hear more!
